Make a font from your own handwriting

This is my first attempt and it is quite like my writing - though rather neater!
You can find it here if you want to have a go. It was very straightforward except for putting it into the fonts folder - their installer didn't have an option to find out where on earth it was saved -so in the end I had to do a search for it and then copy and paste it, which worked just fine.
and if you scan that template into photoshop or a similar programme you can erase any specs or tidy letters up a little by erasing bits that went wrong - I had to! ArtWeaver and ArtRage are free if you don't have photoshop and you could do it with them.
Good luck trying again :>)
Yes Dinah, the font is MUCH tidier than my handwriting which even I look at and wonder what on earth I was saying
Things on a shelf awaiting time to get to grips with it? oh I've got loads of those! and dust bunnies too!
I have to check this.
Maybe I wouldn't make a neat font, but it would be personal.
Heck ! Maybe it could be recognized as the worst font of all :-)
Kind regards,