At the Gallery

Aylestone Meadows in the snow, coloured pencil. Vivien Blackburn

Here is that recent painting of Aylestone Meadows shown at the gallery .........

.... well maybe not! It's only 11 inches or so square in reality ;>D

but Joanne showed this fun programme on her blog - take a look - you can put any of your images into a gallery setting. I thought the colours of this one looked quite convincing in an old frame!

and it would work well on this scale ............. hmmmm maybe not quite this big but I could dig out a large canvas ..........


Jeanette Jobson said…
The meadow does look very good at this size. I believe I used this program last year to put myself in a museum. I keep wishing...:)

I don't know if I could afford the paint and canvas to go that big!
Anita said…
My first thought was - I didn't think Vivien worked at this size! I love working big - very liberating!
Robyn Sinclair said…
Looks splendid, Vivien! But wow, that's a lot of coloured pencil.
vivien said…
Anita I've never worked quite that big! but I do really enjoy working on big canvasses - I try to limit them to what will fit in the car which would currently be about 5x4ft.

I haven't done any really large ones for ages and I'd like to make a start.

yes, I wondered how many pound worth of cp's it would take? plus repetitive strain injury :>D

Some things work better bigger don't they Jeanette? Luckily I don't use paint terribly thickly so it goes a reasonable way. I remember at uni where you squeezed out virtually the whole of big tubes on your palette sometimes on big work - scary financially!
Chris Bellinger said…
Re large canvas I have recently done a large 6ft by 4ft. it can be almost like painting a wall and quite tiring i would only ever do it in a studio not at home, who these days has the space?
You can see it on my blog.
I also mentioned your excellent blog to thank you for this current post. Painting did not fit but it is part of a photo shop enhanced effort.
Katiejane said…
Isn't this fun? I did this to one of my art pieces, too. This is very nice, Vivien. My favorite is "Weather Front", however.
Anita Davies said…
This would deffo work on a large canvas Vivien...dig one out! ;)
kim denise said…
I saw this and thought wow! Vivien's working BIG these days. Then I saw it was cp and I knew it couldn't be true. This piece would look great on that scale.
vivien said…
Hi Chris - I hope the degree is going well - your painting looked good at that scale :>) thanks for the kind comments :>)

The largest I worked on at uni was 7ft 6ins Chris - but I now limit canvasses to what will fit in the car - currently about 5 foot. I do love working on 40 inch canvasses and they do sell - they fit in even a normal sized home ok and are big enough for the wealthier larger home owners :>)

Katie that's one of my favourites too - the cloud formation that day was so dynamic

Anita Hi :>) I like the recent landscapes you've been experimenting with - I lived in the fens for a while when I was young and went to school at Thetford for a few years - you catch the fens well. My favourite area though was Thetford Chase in the winter mists with strings of racehorses galloping and steaming - beautiful :>) - the school bus crossed the chase.

Hi Kim :>) I would love to be able to work on this scale - maybe one day when Saatchi discovers me!!!
Sally Townsend said…
Hi Vivian, Seriously fun programme, love your work btw x
vivien said…
Thanks Sally - oh I envy you living where you do! I love France.
annie said…
So great. And it completely took me in, at first quick look:"I know Vivian likes to work large but I never dreamed this big!"
And I agree, it really looks as if it would work as a large piece.
vivien said…
:>) it's a fun site Annie!

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