some old digital images: variations on a theme
I haven't done quite so much of it just lately but I do enjoy creating images on the computer, they aren't reproductions of anything, they just exist in their own right. These are some I did as part of my degree (done as a mature student).

These take as long as a painting to produce as they were originally made up of many layers with many techniques and tools used along the way.
I made digital images like this very limited editions with small print runs to take away the mass-produced perception of digital art. I believe it can be extremely creative - it's about what you do with it - rubbish in=rubbish out - but put some work into it as you would a painting and I think they can be amazing.
What do you think?
Hurray - these are the kind of images I like to see. Love them.
I really love the shapes and intensity of colour. Great images!
I LOVE the orange-y toned one.
Thanks Anita - that's what I love that edge between reality and abstract :>)
I need a tablet ... maybe, I just work with the mouse and haven't got around to getting one. One of my students doesn't like hers because she says there is a delay between the drawing on it and things happening on the screen - I don't know if they are always like that?
Sarah and Dinah YES! I too get annoyed when people apply a filter/effect to a photo and think that's digital 'art' Z:>(
David I think you'd love it if you had a go - with the work you are doing at the moment, you could work through ideas and come up with new ones ....
Kelly I have done limited edition digital prints of some of the images but of course not all galleries are interested in that kind of work and they didn't 'go' on Etsy.
I do agree that working round ideas in this way brings up stuff that feeds into paintings - and there are the accidental things like with paint that send me off in new directions :>) Because of the way I use layers it had a profound effect on the way I use paint too.
So far I have refused to do limited editions, because in practice it made no difference to the sale price. I'm still outside the gallery circuit, so selling direct. They don't go on Etsy either.
maybe there's a book in that subject ....
It's such a complex, intuitive and lengthy process that I've never had the patience to write it up! I haven't got a tablet though I'm seriously considering investing in one. I simply use the mouse.