christmas break

I'm taking a bit of a break as I'm so busy with family and friends - back soon.

The T shirt, book and snowman themed pressies went down well :>)


Sarah said…
what a poppet! Enjoy the break xxHappy new Year
Making A Mark said…
My goodness he's getting big!
vivien said…
I think so Sarah ! I am perhaps a bit biased though :>) - yes he's still little for his age but getting to be more of a little boy and less of a baby Katherine :>)

Happy New Year :>)
Billie Crain said…
What a cutie! Is this your grandson? I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Enjoy your family and your break, Vivien.:)
vivien said…
thanks Billie and Happy New Year

yes this is my grandson - a little handful!
annie said…
Time goes too quickly, Vivien. Seems only yesterday that he was about to pop into our lives. Now look at him. As Sarah says, what a poppet!

And Who has a better right to be biased? I EMBRACE BIAS...


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