work in progress, oil on canvas: Birch trees and snow, update 1

 Detail 1

detail 2
progress so far ....

Still a little way to go but here is a quick update.  I'm waiting for the paint to dry before working on it further.

You can see a bit of pentimenti* - the copper shape shining through in the trees at the back - some will remain but the unnatural shapes, like the circle and almost triangle,  will be lost/adjusted in subsequent layers and glazes.

*Isn't that a nice word for an altered underpainting showing through?


annie said…
I love those 4 birch trees,together, Vivien. Waiting to see what you do next.
Liz Steel said…
Stunning! I too love those 4 trees!!!
Jean said…
This is promising to be a beautiful painting. The trees are amazing!
Robyn Sinclair said…
If I were the original painting I wouldn't mind in the least getting such a beautiful makeover. Hard to go past the 'love' for response to that group of trees.

Pentimento is a wonderful description.
vivien said…
thank you everyone :>) I've been so busy it hasn't been touched ... but I have been thinking about where next.
Sadeu said…
Magnificent work, Vivien : )
vivien said…
thank you Sadeu :>)

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