work nearly finished: birch trees in the snow in the early morning mist - and an experiment with coloured pencils on pastel paper

Birch trees in the snow in the early morning mist
16x20ins oil on canvas

Nearly finished but I'll probably keep tweaking it for a bit!

The earlier stages are here and here and other trees are here.

...   and one that just didn't work - using coloured pencils on a mid brownish pastel paper.   Not a mix to repeat, for me anyway.

The colours are too dulled by the paper, the pencils simply didn't have the intensity to cover it.

I've got a small piece of Fisher 400 to experiment with - a friend, Nicole Caulfield, uses it for all her portraits and loves it.   I think I have to give it a go with watercolour and coloured pencils together.


Margo said…
Viv, I love how this piece is turning out, those blues just make it sing.
vivien said…
thanks Margo :>)
You've got the silent sound of snow perfectly. I really like the contrasting textures between the tree bark and the more distant foilage. Love it! Will you be doing more?
Lunar Hine said…
Just lovely. Makes me excited that those mornings are coming.
vivien said…
thanks :>)

Yes, I thought I'd do a series in various media, large and small. It's something that's so much fun to play about with - as you say the contrasting textures and the 'feel' of the day. I love that strong feeling of warmth and life in the trees against the colder colours of the landscape on days like this.
Wow. Delicate, frosty. I'm so envious :oD
vivien said…
thanks :>)

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