An ABC book for a small child - continued

I spent some time working on the illustrations for the book for my grandaughter, for Christmas, today.   It's a mix of watercolour, pen and coloured pencil.  And  I suddenly realised the rate at which I've got to work to get 26 letters plus covers, plus put the book together in time .....  I think I'd better get on with it quickly!

I think primary teachers will frown at some of the phonics - like the aeroplane and auntie C.   Some of the words like avaricious are aimed at brother Sam, who is very articulate and will enjoy the big words.  I wanted to bring in lots of family things  and thinking up enough items for the letters isn't the easiest!

This is the A4 sketchbook with the original sketch below and above is a trial print of the page as it will appear with added text.

 You may be interested in the working out ideas sketches here and here  .   Other illustration projects can be found by searching under the tag Illustration.

A sketch still to be developed.

Back to work ...........


The Art of Phil Davis said…
A brilliant idea, but you have really put yourself under pressure to complete by the first couple of pages, look forward to the rest.
vivien said…
Thank you Phil -yes I'm planning to try to get a few done today so the pressure lessens! I have done rough designs for all letters so it's only the finished pages I have to put together - with all the changes that I make in doing that.

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