Illustrated ABC for Lucy, childrens book K and L and a new page for this book

I've finished illustrating up to Z - so now the covers and then putting the book together in Publisher, printing and binding - nearly done!

I'm putting the illustrations together on a page  - see the tabs at the top of the blog as those not interested in illustration may be getting thoroughly bored with these :>)   So  A-Z is uploaded there.   Covers to follow.

And hopefully some 'serious' painting time soon.


Robyn Sinclair said…
I'm torn between f and h for my favorite page, Vivien. I has to look twice at the 'rain cloud' illustration because it looked like you had added some real strands of fibre to it. Excellent and I love the final page layout with the text creating a frame. Wonderful gift of love.
vivien said…
thanks :) I'm really looking forward to painting again I have to admit!
Desiree's Designs said…
I am so impressed! What a daunting task finding things to paint for each letter! All the pages are amazing can't wait to see the whole book when you're done! What an amazing gift!
vivien said…
thanks Desiree

It's finally done - covers and all :>) and half printed

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