Incoming Tide, still blue day, mixed media painting
Incoming Tide, Near Porthgwarra, mixed media, approx A4
Working from sketches done plein air and memories - I felt in need of a virtual trip to the coast.
Sketching and painting plein air really helps to fix colour, movement, the shadows of rocks underwater, the swirling water around rocks where air bubbles turn it milky and the ripples of incoming waves as the tide comes in on a warm, still day -
Working plein air is really important to me because of what I remember from sitting studying a scene and working out how to catch movement, colour and mood. I can then play in the studio with those sketches and memories, developing ideas from them. If I simply looked but didn't sketch, then I wouldn't remember a fraction of the information that sketching fixes in the brain.
Your virtual trip to the coast shows just how strong your memories and experiances are. I like the movement that you have caught.... and those blues....sigh..
I so wish I was there now!