Artbars, tinted charcoal, gouache and cardoon seedheads

Cardoon seedhead in Artbar, Gouache and Tinted Charcoal Pencil

One of my students, Toni, had promised me some cardoon seedheads and this week brought a big bag of lovely toothy/fluffy/prickly specimens. This one had lost virtually all its scales.  They are so much fun to draw.  It ended up with nearly half the class deciding to have a go.  Cue much concentration and muttering.

This was done in my Stillman and Birn Alpha sketchbook (A4), with a mix of Artbars, gouache and Tinted Charcoal pencils.

Mine never did much good in my garden and sadly died this year.  It had wonderful sky blue flowers but only managed one in its first year, two in its second and none this year.   It probably needed more sun and lighter soil.  I did manage to draw it though.  I think these have the purple flowers like the one below, perhaps I'll try planting some of the seeds.

Old, more detailed sketches of similar seedheads in other drawing media:

more details about these here and more sketches to follow .........


Beautiful mark making in this one, it dances on the page. Love it!
Robyn Sinclair said…
Splendid use of mixed media, Vivien. I've always loved your way with cardoons.
vivien said…
Thanks Lisa and Robyn - they are a challenge to draw but so fascinating with all their textures and shapes :>)

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