Cardoon seedhead in gouache and tinted charcoal in a Stillman and Birn alpha sketchbook

Another cardoon seedhead, gouache and tinted charcoal in a Stillman and Birn alpha sketchbook

Another quick cardoon.   This one had shed all its scales, leaving just the fluffy 'fairies' that carry the seeds - one is next to it, so delicate against the large heavy seedhead - and the bristly dried flower petals.

More of the NEC doodles to come .....


Art Matters said…
Your drawing shows great use of the tinted charcoal. I love the colour range in these pencils.
vivien said…
they are a lovely range of subtle muted colours :>)
Jeanette Jobson said…
I do like these cardoon seedheads a lot. Such lovely form and colour in them, I can almost touch them.
vivien said…
Tbanks Jeanette :>)
debra morris said…
Great work

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