More doodling at the NEC
Seedhead done with Artbars A5ish
Another of the small pieces I did to show the different ways Artbars can be used, using some of the lovely subtle colours in the box along with the more vivid. All work there was done on the new watercolour paper they devised to complement their water soluble media. It's lovely, smooth and the colours glow against it.
I do like the ability to use line and mass and switch constantly between with the same crayon.
Had a great day yesterday catching up with old friends at an Open House full of great paintings, printmaking, felting, ceramics and glass. Buzzing now :>) Will share some of the artists work later.
I haven't uploaded anything yet to my blog, but seeing these lovely effects makes me think I should.
I did try doing monoprints by drawing onto acetate and then printing onto damp paper but it wasn't terribly successful
You should definitely upload your experiments :>)
I want a press of my own. Using the printworkshop is SO expensive. I've currently let my membership lapse.