Doodling at the NEC

Demonstrating Artbars at the NEC
(techniques: washes, scratching through, drawing through wet paper, splattering and scratching flecks in a wet wash using the spritzer)

I had a fascinating time at the NEC, demonstrating Artbars for Derwent.  The idea was that I would sit at a table using them in small images, showing the different techniques that could be used with them - subtle washes, wet in wet, lifting colour from the crayons. layering and scratching through, splattering etc etc  etc.   They have a really rich and varied range of mark making potential.

I combined them at times with a little Inktense pencil or scrapes of inktense to create flecks of colour that would stay in place while I washed more colour of Artbar over them.

Scarily, at the last minute Derwent were offered a 30 minute slot each day in a 'theatre' where I did a demo to an audience, complete with cameras, big screens and a microphone.   Scary!!!  Luckily the cameramen were great, helping set up and ensuring the audience could hear and see what I was doing.

There were materials out for people to have a go as I showed them the sort of marks and things they could do.   People were great, friendly and open to experimenting with the art materials out.   Some were enthusiastic beginners, a few children, some students considering going to art college. others experienced.  I came home talked out completely!

There were one or two real characters, like the very tall and lovely gentleman who chatted to me, wearing a suit made from rose chintz curtain fabric.   Another, a lady with fluffy orange hair, a fluffy orange jumper, clutching 2 fluffy angora animals, who cheerfully helped herself to pencils from the stand. licked them (to the horror of Emma) and coloured the cheeks of the animals ready to sell on her stall!

Each evening we went to a really nice restaurant for a meal and Sarah, Emma, Gill and Anita looked after me brilliantly and were lovely company.   I also met Barbara who works for them but was there on the UKCPS stand nearby - she is the one who actually develops new products in the lab, very interesting to talk to.  Sarah comes up with the ideas and Barbara makes them work. 

I nearly bought myself some beautiful earrings and a very expensive leather bag in the craft section - but just managed to refrain ......... just.

I can't talk about it or the hitmen would be after me -  but the next new product in the pipeline looks fabulous and I can't wait to have a longer play than the quick few minutes I was allowed .... out next year and I hope I get chance to play some more.   It's brilliant.

I'll show some more of the doodles and a finished piece or two that's larger as I scan/photograph them.   My scanner had died and I had to buy a new one :>( .  I kept putting it off installing it, thinking things never are as straightforward as the blurb claims ....... it was :>) 10 ,minutes and up and running :>)  so I can post more regularly again.

More to follow ............


dinahmow said…
It all sounds great fun, Vivien. And the mirror woman will be happy. :)
Bridget Hunter said…
You've obviously had a great time and been an inspiration to visitors. I hope Derwent appreciate you!
Making A Mark said…
Great description of what you got up to - and I can't wait to hear what the next product is!
vivien said…
:>) my lips are sealed for the moment!

I think Bridget will like it - may not be so much your cup of tea - but who knows???? maybe you'd enjoy doing something completely different?

It was fun Dinah but oh so tiring!

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