Demonstrating for Derwent at the NEC

Sorry for the long absence - recently I was at the NEC with Derwent, as artist in residence, more about that later.   They have used one of my images for the flier for their new art competition - take a look at them on Facebook or on their website for full details.

And the other reason?

October 2012   RIP


dinahmow said…
Thinking of you, Vivien, and wishing you and your family peace.
annie said…
I am so very sorry, Vivien. I had a feeling since September, when you did that loving portrait of him, that life was progressing that way. And you've been in my thoughts and hearts since then, with love.
Bridget Hunter said…
So wonderful to read your posts again.
Jeanette Jobson said…
So sorry to read about the death in your family. Every good wish for you to get through a difficult time.

And congratulations on the use of the image on the Derwent poster, beautiful shot of colour, I believe you posted this drawing previously?
Cathy Gatland said…
A gorgeous, striking poster image Vivien - I'm proud to 'know' the Derwent artist in residence. As I've said elsewhere, I can't think of anyone else who could do as much justice to the product - as displayed in your beautifully sensitive portrait. Thinking of you.
Laura said…
Thinking of you and yours, dear Vivien. The poster with your work on it is stunning.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am thinking of you during this difficult time.
Anonymous said…
Vivienne I am not sure who you have lost, but my thoughts are with you all the same. May you feel peace and love.
vivien said…
Thank you so much everyone x
vivien said…
yes, Jeanette it was done in the S&B sketchbook and I did show it a while agao :>)
Margo said…
Congrats on the residency and the poster Vivien.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
vivien said…
thanks Margo

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