waterways project - charcoal sketch

The canal just outside Market Harborough. Charcoal sketch, size A3. Vivien Blackburn

A charcoal sketch of the canal just outside Market Harborough - a spur comes off the Grand Union canal and climbs up via 14 locks to reach the marina here.

It was surprisingly busy with lots of boats passing and as they go at little more than walking pace a few chatted as they passed. The passing boats and changing light as clouds wento by meant that the reflections constantly changed. The trees were silhouetted against the brightly sunlit field.

Little bright blue dragonflies were skimming over the water and landing on my friend's painting. They obviously didn't think much of mine.



harry bell said…
Sounds delightful; you must have enjoyed yourself. And that's a very painterly drawing. Nice.
Martha Marshall said…
This is wonderful, Vivien. Lovely description too.
Jeanette Jobson said…
That's fabulous Vivien. I get a real sense of the bright light behind the trees and the cool shaded water. Just lovely.
Making A Mark said…
This looks even better with the black background!
vivien said…
Thanks Harry, Martha, Jeanette and Katherine :>)

it was fun as Glen and Ros are great company - interesting conversation and then silences as we get into the work.
Your work is so beautiful vivien...your field colour experiments and your charcoals are so just striking!
Lindsay said…
The watery expression is just beautiful. I also love the foliage!
vivien said…
Ronell and Lindsay thank you :>)

I'm dying to get the next book in our exchange!

Glen sent me an email to forward so it looks as if I may get it from her next week :>)
caseytoussaint said…
This is just loaded with ambience, Vivien. I've just spent a delightful 15 minutes perusing your web site, which I hadn't visited in way too long! There's something so peaceful about your work...
vivien said…
Casey thank you :>) - I'm really weary and that cheered me up enormously!

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