Exhibtion photos as promised :)

ok - so as promised, the paintings in the gallery, if you are on an email subscription and want to see the pictures you'll need to log in today, sorry - I've done a slide show of the exhibition - you can see it if you click here http://vivienb.blogspot.com/

They decided not to hang them together but to scatter them around the gallery so that they formed a repeating motif. I would have liked some of them hung in a group but never mind.

Colin Halliday was showing square seascapes, there were some nice textile pieces and there were interesting driftwood sculptures, pottery and some gorgeous jewellery, all with a sea theme - they were even playing sea mood music :D


Lovin' the slide show, check mine out at...


The Solar Disc 2007

Check out my Summer Exhibition 2007 at Dewsbury Town Hall Yorkshire.
Anonymous said…
Totally stunning all the same. But yes, grouped would have been good too. Hope it goes well for you.
Lindsay said…
I think they have done a lovely job hanging the show but I agree with you....your paintings would have a greater impace hung together in groups. Perhaps you can have some of them in another show and do as you wish!
I love the feathers too! Interesting idea of using diferent midia for the same subject!
vivien said…
thanks Lindsay :)

yes, I'll show the group elsewhere to hang as a group.

I want to do some more to the waterways project as soon as I can.

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