drawing babies - Sam aged 5 months

Sam, 5 months old. Pencil sketch. Vivien Blackburn
Drawing babies isn't the easiest thing to do - but now Sam is developing a distinct character and personality of his own it's getting easier. This is in my moleskine sketchbook - I do wish they would make a larger size of these because I like them for drawing in but even this 'large' size is in fact small. He was absolutely delighted with this stuffed toy that jingled and made noises and he's very sociable, loving the interaction with those around him. He has very dark eyes.
It made a change from the beaches :>)
I love this stage of babyhood when they start to explore their world. He'll have a lovely record of his progress in art form from you I think. :)
I'd like to build up a record, including quicker action sketches from life when I can - and I remember how my kids would play up naturally for the camera when little and go all silly and self conscious when they got older - so I can just imagine your daughter's reaction Shirley!
I may make up a book of prints of the sketches each year for my daughter to keep - it may need padding out with photos! it just depends how many I get done.
I do wish they'd make those moleskines bigger - we can't be the only people who think so. I'm sure they'd do well