landscape and seascape, small demos of mixed media for classes - charcoal and coloured pencil. acrylic, pastel and coloured pencil

beach, charcoal and coloured pencil, 7 x 7.5 inches Vivien Blackburn
The scan isn't level - the horizon is :>) - a small version of the charcoal/cp beach trying out a cream cartridge paper as the background. The toothier paper worked much better, this is a little too smooth. I also like working larger better.
And the landscape below was a mixed media demo of acrylics loosely applied to grey card (which shows through in places) with a palette knife and then worked on with pastels and a little coloured pencil.

Winter Fields. mixed media. Vivien Blackburn 8.5 x 5.5 inches

I'm hoping to push on with the canvasses tomorrow.



Shirley Anne Sherris said…
What a wonderful effect you have created so quickly in this landscape. Love it. All the mediums work so well together. look forward to the finished piece although I would be more than satisfied to have created it as it is.
Robyn Sinclair said…
I'm really enjoying your charcoal beachscapes, Vivien but that little acrylic mixed media landscape is an absolute gem.
Chris Bellinger said…
Love the seascapes done in Charcoal.
My show was good sold one painting and a few cards on the opening night!
Have posted some photos on artythings blog
vivien said…
thank you everyone :)

that's great that you've sold one already artything :) the show looked good
Yellow said…
Winter Fields took my breath away. It's a gem. It looks so cold, even though there are peaches and rose pinks in there. The scratched-back areas really work.
vivien said…
thank you Yellow :) your blog is fun and I do envy you your recent purchase < sigh >

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