across the beach, hazy sunshine

Across the Beach. Hazy Sunshine. coloured pencil. 10 x 6.5 inches. Vivien Blackburn

A busy day and no time to concentrate on the canvasses so I did a bit of drawing with coloured pencils on grey card - one of those sunny days with thin translucent white clouds veiling the sky.

You may be getting bored with this view :>) - sorry - but it's interesting to me to try to capture it in all the weathers and lights I saw. I do love the light and the way it changes colours. Also to experiment with different media as the effects are so different.



Shirley Anne Sherris said…
Not tired of it yet Vivien. Like the colours of this one - warm and inviting. Wasn't keen on the rainy one. Appreciate the technique and talent but not the feeling it invoked much prefer to feel warm. We see more than our fair share of rain up here. You will soon have quite a study of light in the bay.
vivien said…
thanks Shirley - the west coast gets far more than it's fair share of rain and though I hate it to be outside in, I do like catching bad weather in paint :)
William F. Renzulli said…
An impressive drawing. I am always amazed at what some artists can do with colored pencils.
Jeanette Jobson said…
I find it interesting to see a particular scene over and over, the changes being made in light and colours reflecting weather and seasons.

You could have a month of these and I'd enjoy them equally.
vivien said…
Thanks William and Jeanette :)

yes Jeanette, I love to see studies in different lights/weather etc - it's what I love in Monet and Kurt Jackson, a sense of time and mood and place.

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