across the beach, hazy sunshine

Across the Beach. Hazy Sunshine. coloured pencil. 10 x 6.5 inches. Vivien Blackburn
A busy day and no time to concentrate on the canvasses so I did a bit of drawing with coloured pencils on grey card - one of those sunny days with thin translucent white clouds veiling the sky.
You may be getting bored with this view :>) - sorry - but it's interesting to me to try to capture it in all the weathers and lights I saw. I do love the light and the way it changes colours. Also to experiment with different media as the effects are so different.
You could have a month of these and I'd enjoy them equally.
yes Jeanette, I love to see studies in different lights/weather etc - it's what I love in Monet and Kurt Jackson, a sense of time and mood and place.