sketching everyday things part 2

Feathers. Sketches in pastel, pencil, brush pen and coloured pencils. Vivien Blackburn I'm back at work and feeling distinctly convalescent! not up to tackling a large canvas - but twitching to do something. so I sketched thisfeather, which was a present from this little tiger - who has eyes for the pigeons but isn't capable of catching one - so she brings any feathers she finds into the house to play with. Hence its rather raggedy state. I simply had a play with various materials, looking at the feather again and again in pastel pencil, 2B pencil, Pitt brush pen and coloured pencil. With the brush pens and coloured pencil I just decided on an equivalent tonal value of pen for the various greys and blacks of the original and substituted a warm amber/honey for the lightest parts and deeper umbers for the blacks with no attempt to use the original colours. I really like the texture of feathers to draw :>) .