update on the challenge

I've been really ill since Saturday (you don't want to know the icky details) so I've only just managed to pick up your emails and comments and links to the brushes and my day challenges. What a great surprise - several fun new ones to add - so don't forget to check back on the 'challenge' tag to see new additions - I add them as they arrive.

Below is my friend Glen's version - she and her husband have a fishmongers (very good one too) and she has an incredibly busy life delivering to businesses like hotels and homes and working in the shop, visiting her elderly mum and finally managing a little bit of time to paint, often late at night. She doesn't have the time for a blog.

You can see more of her work on http://sitekreator.com/glenheath/index.html , http://sitekreator.com/theassociationofleicestershireartists/glen_heath_1.html and http://www.leicestersocietyofartists.co.uk/artists_of_leicester_society_of_artist/lsa_members_template.php?LSAMembersCode=43

Keep those sketches coming - please :>D



Shirley Anne Sherris said…
Hope your better now. There are some talented artists out there. I think I would have to resort to Lowries stick men. I do not have the natural talent of my brother who is a brilliant caricaturist . I am a good copyist.
Lindsay said…
Please pass on to Glen that I loved seeing her wonderful work (the comics and the paintings). Her huge tree trunks have power and presence! Now I can see why she has no time for blogging! I also noticed a space for a future waterways project! (My one track mind....)
vivien said…
Well Shirley I'm struggling to get rid of this bug :>( but on the mend - thanks :>)

Lindsay I will pass on your comments to Glen - she'll be delighted.

She's one of the 2 friends who has been doing the waterways project with me off and on as they can.

Those oak trees in Bradgate Park are really ancient - I think they must have been young when Lady Jane Grey was growing up there - incredible to think what they've seen!
Robyn Sinclair said…
Wonderful detail of Glen's day. It would be nice to have a close look. And it looks like such a busy day. Brava for managing to fit in your lovely art as well, Glen.

I'd love a friend with a fresh fish business - both for eating and painting.
vivien said…
It's great Robyn as she's only just learning to use computers and if I go and help her our by setting up a website or whatever she always insists on sending me home with lovely fresh fish as a thank you! she isn't one who will listen to no!

she has done some great paintings of fish - it's something I've never tried
Jeanette Jobson said…
How wonderful are Glen's sketches of her day. Its lovely to peek into other's people's lives isn't it? I feel as if I'm a bit of a voyeur when doing this!

I have my day sketched out now and will post it this evening.

Rest and relax and I hope you're back on form again soon.
Billie Crain said…
Vivien, i do hope you're on the way to a full recovery. we're having such crazy Spring weather here in northern Michigan causing all sorts of nasty colds, sinus problems, etc. i'm trying to get over my own 'crud' at the moment so you have my sympathies.

your challenge has yielded some amazing results! what a fun venture! very clever idea on your part.:)

i do hope Glen sets up a website or blog. i'd love to see her fish! i've wanted to paint fish for so long but just haven't made that leap yet. i'd enjoy seeing her's.
Jeanette Jobson said…
Here, at last, is my set of sketches. Thanks for the opportunity, it was great fun!
eLIZabeth Floyd said…
Hi Vivien,

I really liked the challenge you put to us fellow bloggers, so I tried it out. Here is my attempt at the exercise! http://elizabethfloydstudio.blogspot.com/2008/04/memory-sketch-exercise.html

Wow, I found it more difficult than expected, but it was fun to rethink and focus on a day... maybe I will remember it better in the future.
these are such fun "My day strips" Vivien!Glen did a great job here.
I always had your website on my linklist, I didn't realize you had a blog!
vivien said…
thanks Ronell :>) I'll pass that on to Glen

Katherine talked me into doing a blog - it's all her fault!
vivien said…
thanks Ronell :>) I'll pass that on to Glen

Katherine talked me into doing a blog - it's all her fault!
B Kluver said…
I have been keeping up with Jeanette's work and saw your idea for the 12 Frames of Your Day. I decided to take this one on and enjoyed it very much.
My sketches can be found at the following blog address: http://bjhome-drawings.blogspot.com/
Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Making A Mark said…
Glen's day is brilliant - so much detail!
vivien said…
yes Katherine - she does some great work and there is always so much to keep looking at in it.

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