experiments with the seascapes - looking at different light

Red Pools, Evening Light Across the Bay. Vivien Blackburn. Digital Experiment

or this one with the cliff under a cloud apart from a flash of light catching the top and the front of the beach?
Symphony in Greys. Towards the Sea, digital experiment. Vivien Blackburn
I want to do one in the subtle greys, blues, pinks and mauves of this one - a steely winter evening on a calm day.
Do you experiment with Photoshop or Artweaver or any of the graphics packages like this to work through ideas?
and .......... if you like my work you can always buy The Book! http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/218005/?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=140x240 or the link in the top right column - over 40 paintings and sketches in a 40 page loverly little book ;>)
Glad your on the mend.
I'm with the impressionists - I have to interpret as I'm not a brilliant painter.
I play with digital imaging a lot as you see from both my blog and my website. I have a section for digital imaging on my website.
I have been waiting to see some more of your digital imaging which is what attracted me to your blog and website.
So more please.
Thanks Shirley and Lindsay (sorry I keep on spelling your name with 2 ys)
it's so much fun what you can do with the digital imagery :>) I may use it a bit in the book I want to do for my grandson, scanning in the sketches and playing
I actually feel it's a discipline I should work on - the ability to stick closer to an original plan at times :>) I'm not good at discipline
In my book there is a really quick pen and wash sketch that led on to a series of quite different paintings and digital images (several versions are in the book - all very different) - I expect these will go the same way.
I need to find some time to get painting