quick update on the challenge :)

I was talking to Liz Minichiello and gave her the links to your 'my day' posts - she was really interested. :>)

She's looking to produce something with a whole lot of different peoples 'day' and could possibly contact some of you in the future for permission to use your work. I can't say too much about her plans but it involves potential prestigious exposure - she hadn't explained this at the meeting - simply asked us to have a go and send her the results - but has now gone into more detail.

So .... if you want your work to be considered you need to stick to the brief (if you want to do it purely for fun and not stick to it, that's fine) Her rectangles are 10cm wide x 6cm deep and the sequence needs to be of 12 of these in the format of my original 'my day' post.

so why not go for it?



Lindsay said…
Vivien, I'm thinking of re doing "my day" and was wondering if I should stick to black and white media only. This looks interesting!!
Rose Welty said…
Vivien, you need to stop doing these...I am not getting any work done ;D. Seriously, what is the deadline on this again?
vivien said…
Lindsay go for it! it doesn't matter how many versions you want to do :>)

look at the format Liz Minichiello wanted and you could find yourself part of her final project if you wanted to be :>)

Rose the deadline isn't until the end of May - so plenty of time - I've organised a panel of friends to do the judging :>)
liz M said…
Vivien - thanks for showcasing and everyone for contributing. Format is not vital to me providing you use 12 landscape frames.
vivien said…
thanks Liz :>)
Making A Mark said…
Cosmo is going to have to start again and do his best drawing!!!

So far we have
* wakie wakie
* brekkies
* catching the rays
* checking e-mail
etc etc
vivien said…
sounding good :>)

I'm looking forward to these

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