my day - cartoon strip

I went to an artists talk by illustrator Liz Minichiello on Thursday, which was interesting. After the talk about her work she gave out A2 sheets of paper with rectangles printed and asked us if we would do sketches of our day, with detail and tone, and email/post them to her. 12 rectangles, each about 4 x 2.5 ins. The brief was to do this from memory rather than observation.

my day, mechanical pencil, Vivien Blackburn

The friend I went with and I thought it would be fun to do so here is my day

  • woken by lousy alarm jangling and cats telling me to hurry up

  • one cat wants to pursue his hobby of ornithology NOW!

  • the other says her throat has been cut and noone has fed her for a week - hmmmm - see her shape!

  • Cup of tea in attempt to surface and deal with day

  • Drive to work, nice, watch the sky and the light of the early morning on the fields.

  • Teach

  • Look at students work

  • Paint

  • Lousy rotten hateful ^**%** paperwork

  • work on computer

  • collapse into bed

Does anyone else fancy doing this? Leave a link to your blog in the comments if you do :>) a link to her site if you are interested in seeing her work.

It was interesting that she quoted several of my favourite illustrators as those she admired - Raymond Briggs and John Burningham were amongst them.


links to those who have done their own version Robyn has done a great one with large woolly bear - sorry dog - featuring >:>D


Katiejane said…
What a clever idea. I am only getting started in sketching, so I suppose I would have to do stick figures! But I too have cats, so I relate to that. I will have to work on getting my day in pictures instead of just words. Love it.
The sketches of your day are absolutely fabulous. There must be an outlet for this talent. It would take me forever to do that many pictures at that level.
Wrote down my day out of curiosity and reached 13 with many hours to go. I was surprised at how much I had done. Not ready to blog it though - another time.
Jeanette Jobson said…
Love the storyboard of your day Vivien and the commentary. Seems our days have similarities. :)

I'd love to do this, but won't have time this week. I'll keep this idea tucked in the back of my mind for the future though. Sounds like a fun idea.
dinahmow said…
Do I fancy doing this? Not much have pretty much captured my day!
(If I can squeeze the clock I'll have a crack at it.)
vivien said…
KJ have a go! whatever style you want to use :>)

Shirley thanks - I was stupid enough to start drawing very late and my husband was muttering grumpily when I went up to bed about 'idiots staying up until 2am' .... time flies when you are drawing!

Jeanette and Dinah I'd love to see yours if you can find time to do it.
Robyn Sinclair said…
I was totally charmed by your cartoon, Vivien so was inspire to try one myself. Yours are actually delightful drawings - mine's .... well .... a dog's breakfast.

I'm not sure how to put a link here, but it will be easy to find on my blog:

It was fun, now I'm looking at your Brush Challenge - mostly because I'd love one of your sketches.
caseytoussaint said…
This is great! Memory sketches are not one of my talents, but this is tempting.
Stacy said…
I love the cartoon strip of your day! The cats are too funny. If I did this, every other square in would be me in the car running the kids around.
vivien said…
Robin, Casey and Stacy - thanks :>)

I look forward to seeing your versions if you decide to have a go
dinahmow said…
I had a few minutes yesterday, waiting in the car, so my scruffy effort is on my blog post "Not two weeks in another town."

It was fun!
Making A Mark said…
You are so blogged for Sunday - but you knew that! :D
Jennifer Lawson said…
What a great exercise and I love your drawings. I usually have to look at what I am drawing, but this like fun sounds like fun because it goes to a different creative place in the brain. Nice!
Okay Vivien! I did it and it was actually very entertaining. Here's mine.
Lindsay said…
I love the format. Your memory drawings are really rich in detail!!I did a quick one on Friday. Here's the link. Thanks for a great idea.
vivien said…
Jennifer thanks :>) Maggie and Lyndsay you will be added to the list of links and I'm off to have a look :>)
Munin said…
This is a fun idea. I love the 3rd panel of the cat looking out of the window.
vivien said…
thanks Munin - you use nintendo interestingly :>)
this is very tempting looks like a lot of fun!
vivien said…
Do one Ronell???? it would be fun to see?

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