Apple 2 in coloured pencil in moleskine sketchbook

Braeburn apple, coloured pencil, moleskine sketchbook, Vivien Blackburn

and another sketch for Jeanettes challenge :>)

This one is lighter, more luminous because the sun was shining on it - the first one was done when the light was gloomier, earlier on. Both on the same spot on my desk.

now which one works best?


Ann said…
I really like both of your apples! The one with watercolor below, although darker, has a wonderful richness of color. This one in pencil is a bit more luminous but both are just lovely!
vivien said…
thank you Ann :>) - that's what I like about combining the media - that intensity.
caseytoussaint said…
A beautiful sketch, Vivien!
Jo Castillo said…
I like both, too. It is interesting that a cloudy day produces richer color, eh? Works in landscapes, too. The rich color in the first attracts me, but the light in the second is wonderful. :)

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