September Sunshine and Cats

It's a lovely early autumn day and she-who-is-incredibly-spoilt is loving the sunshine in the garden.

And yes, the lawn does need cutting I'm afraid. I'm up to my eyes in paperwork and hope to paint later - so I have no plans to even consider it - and anyway the cats love it long ;>)

I love this kind of light. I hope the weather continues like this as it's the kind that leads to spectacular autumn colours that stay for a while.


Pam Johnson Brickell said…
Kitties know all the good spots :)
Julie Dunion said…
What a gorgeous kitty! We are getting lots of lovely weather at the moment too, I think mother nature is feeling a little guilty about all the rain she gave us in the summer!
annie said…
Yes, they do indeed. Happy moments.Vivien.

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