Apple in watercolour and coloured pencil

Braeburn Apple, study in watercolour and coloured pencil. Life size. Vivien Blackburn

Jeanette on Illustrated Life
has issued another challenge - this time to paint an apple.

Here is my apple :>)

A quick sketch in watercolour - no initial drawing, just laying down colours - finished off with a very little coloured pencil.

Now I'm going to eat it :>)

Why not join in with her challenge?


Jeanette Jobson said…
This is wonderful Vivien, thanks for joining in. You've gotten those apple colours perfectly. Coloured pencils do work so well with watercolour, don't they?
vivien said…
they do :>) I find it difficult not to add them!
Robyn Sinclair said…
I always eat my subjects too :)

Beautiful combinaton of watercolour and pencil, Vivien - this is my favourite even though your all pencil version is so well done.

I'm going to have to buy some apples.
vivien said…
I can hear Dermot's knees knocking in fear from here at that remark! .... eating her subjects????


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