Still overcast day and reflections

Detail of the finished painting below: Mixed media, a still overcast day, dulling colours. Vivien Blackburn

I arrived in bright sunshine but it almost immediately turned overcast and soon started to rain - a misty soft rain. Colour dulled and contrast softened, except for the strong contrast of the block of trees with heavy summer foliage, and their reflection, against the pale bright clouded sky.

Whole painting: Swithland Reservoir, overcast day, summer. Watercolour and coloured pencil. 10x9 ins approx. Vivien Blackburn

A very very still subject, as different from the rough seas of Cornwall as possible but an equal challenge. There was a very limited colour range because of the light and the dense foliage of summer. I may try an oil paint version to see which works best - I have a suspicion that water colour may win.

other posts in the series can be seen here


Jeanette Jobson said…
Gorgeous work....its very effective. I can get the feel of the day so well.
vivien said…
thanks Jeanette :>)
Stunning, Vivien. I'm with Jeanette about feeling the day.
vivien said…
thanks Pam :>)
Jean Spitzer said…
Me, too. It's beautiful, both full and detail.
rob ijbema said…
wow you did a fantastic job with a grey day vivian,wich is not easy to do,i failed twice yesterday!
vivien said…
thanks Jean and Rob

Rob you do the Welsh soft light beautifully!

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