Dawn, stage 3, work in progress

Dawn, oil on canvas 40 inches square, work in progress

This is where the painting is now. The sky is a little paler and less yellow/orange.

Nearly there. I'll just about make it in time! I have to deliver it on Friday morning.

The edges of the cloud above the cliff need tidying up when it dries enough and other areas need looking at - like the dark/light on the horizon.

The canvas is a deep gallery wrap one and I'll paint the edges in a greyed blue to tone with the painting.

any c&c?


annie said…
like the darker sky area above the light and the mauve tints on the water. It must be hard to give it up to a gallery-- I'd be so attached.
Jeanette Jobson said…
This is moving along perfectly. The light and colours are amazing.

This will be snapped up in an instant at an exhibition.
vivien said…
thank you both :>)

I hope it is snapped up quickly - the cash would be welcome!

I often don't want to sell - but I'd need a very big house to be able to keep them all.
Wonderfully moody. I knew you'd show how to develop what I would have called finished :)
Yellow said…
I love the contrast between the sky and sea you've developed. I bet it looks fantastic in the flesh..
Heather said…
I have just discovered your blog and must say how much I enjoy your work. This painting is so atmospheric - I could look at it for ages. I also love your earlier posts featuring pages from your sketch book - the ruined tin mine and craggy rocks are favourites. I love the colours you work in and can sit here vicariously visiting a beautiful part of the UK without getting travel weary! I am no artist myself and acknowledge your wonderful talent.
vivien said…
thank you Heather :>)

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