Next project - roll out a larger canvas

I haven't worked much on large canvasses for a while and today I have the house to myself as OH is at hospital for the day.
This is a digital 'play', combining, cloning, adjusting, changing sketches done plein air. I wanted to catch the very early dawn light - lots of mystery and half seen shapes but the glow in the sky.
I'd like to have a go at transferring it to a large canvas and I'm determined to make a start today and let the dust bunnies live on :>)
Off to dig out the canvas .....
you will find the original sketches here
How big are you going with it?
I was working on it in the living room as husband is at hospital today and so wasn't here to object
NOT a good idea!
I've cleaned the paint off the carpet and curtain from where I dropped the palette
I've got the paint off favourite T shirt that I had left on under painting top and put it in the washing machine
I've had a shower to get the blue paint off that was ALL up my arm from wrangling the canvas and juggling to get at dropped palette ....
Painting is banished to the garden to dry off ( I was using the quick drying Griffin Alkyds)
It's at the pig ugly beginning stage at the moment with some bits beginning to work and others really roughed in.
I'm doing it over an old painting that I didn't like
And good luck with the painting and clean up (He'll never hear it from me).
Someone who lives there said his grandmother used to say that they 'made the weather there'
- it's the very tip of England and the weather systems coming off the Atlantic start to build cloud as it hits the land so there were wonderful cloud formations