Dawn, work in progress, finished
Dawn, the 40 inch canvas is finished but is proving a nightmare to photograph. Natural light was terrible, bleaching out the subtle yellows and ambers in the clouds. The best results were under the flourescent light in the kitchen but even then, the balance isn't quite right :>(

There is more colour in the foreground rocks - which shows ok in the detail but is lost in the photo of the whole painting - and the same with the loss of subtlety in the clouds which have a variety of yellows and amber, which is lost when photographing the whole.
This is the best impression of it I can get I'm afraid.
The colours work well, but I know the trials in photographing images, especially at this time of year, when the light is iffy some days.
You've done a fabulous job on this, I wish I could see it in person to see the subtleties in colours.
I'm currently considering staying there with painter friends next year - fancy a trip to England ?!
I just wish I could get a decent photo :>(
I might see if a photographer friend will see if she can get a better one for me.
crazy - YES!!!
A well achieved composition, supported by a wonderful array of hues, well chosen chroma and a convincing perspective.
The result is a well balanced and unified work.
Kind regards,
must look so good irl
i photograph my work outside on dull grey days
I've loved the recent moody weather work of yours - that misty day was beautiful.