paper dolls snowmen card and Dawn finished and delivered :>)

Zig Zag card - 'paper dolls' snowmen

I played with the 'paper dolls' cut out idea for the snowmen and did the rough design above for a card for my grandson - it looks quite cute standing up, zig zagged, and hopefully should appeal to a 2 year old.

Dawn, work in progress: Finished :>)

Dawn is finished and delivered for the exhibition but the photos I took (in daylight) are hopeless :>(.

The warm colour of the clouds is totally bleached out and the blues aren't coming out right :>( I'll have another go with flash at the exhibition and see if it works out better. No amount of photoshopping will make the current ones show it anything like it is :>(

And remember the Russian Dolls I did? Well this year I've bought some little wooden snowmen to work on - I'll give them to Sam along with his card and he can add them to their Christmas tree.

I plan to decorate them rather like the card - flowing stripey scarf and carrot noses.

I found the blanks quite by chance on ebay.


Julie Dunion said…
bet your Grandson loves the card and snowmen decorations! What a lovely idea, Vivien. :-)

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