Digital experimenting, combining images

1 Evening Woods, digital image, Vivien Blackburn At the end of the post are the 2 images that were combined to create this - a simple collage + drawing and a mixed media sketch. I layered them in Photoshop - 3, 4 and 5 are simply combinations of the sketch and collage - 1 and 2 had a gradient added and combined to give the glow of colour. I experimented with brightness and contrast, curves, layer options and opacity to get the different colour schemes and effects - possibly more, I lose track of what I've used! The combination - to me - is far more interesting than the simple cut out shapes of the demo, done quickly for the class. 2 3 4 5 1st element in the combination: cut paper collage and drawing 2nd element in the combination: mixed media sketch I find experiments like this are really useful for feeding into work in paint/mixed media on a larger scale. What do you think? Do you use the computer and your sketches this way? or some other way?