Playing with collage - demo for class

Winter tree, collage, ink and coloured pencil. Vivien Blackburn

A quick demo to some class members struggling with the concept of mixed media. Just scraps of coloured paper from the oddments drawer at college, some ink and coloured pencil for the branches and stylised grasses. I wanted to show them that it didn't have to be incredibly difficult or involved but could be extremely simple, fitting in with the kind of drawing they liked to do.

I think it has a rather 1950s look to it do you?


dinahmow said…
Funny, but as this loaded I thought: Oh! that looks just like a picture I had on my wall in 1960!
I pasted some wallpaper samples over part of a photograph(masking an ex boyfriend, I think!)and framed it because it went well with my curtains.
Alison Staite said…
I don't know if it's 1950's, but it's hugely effective and i love the colours. For your students it must act as a real inspiration to explore.. clever stuff.

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