The Farmhouse from the Cot Valley

Bosworlas, watercolour, coloured pencil, pencil. Vivien Blackburn

I didn't have chance to sketch the farmhouse from the valley below while we were there. so this one is done from a photo shown here, along with the photo below of the stream running through it. It's about 12 x9 inches.

Yesterday's image was looking out through one of those windows

I need some time to work on some larger works - pastel or oils - but I'm doing long hours again this week :>(


Robyn Sinclair said…
Totally charming. So great to have you posting sketches again.
caseytoussaint said…
What a lovely sketch!
vivien said…
thank you both :>)
annie said…
"Showing" the brook really sets off the building. A lovely scene, Vivien.

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