Landscape from a flint stone

Landscape in a flint, watersoluble pen and coloured pencil

Another in the landscape from forms - this was from a flint stone. The dark areas and dips and planes all relate to marks and pits in the stone. There was no preliminary drawing of the flint 'as is' with this one. I just went straight in with a sketch moorland landscape using its features.


harry bell said…
Graham Sutherland would be pleased with that one.
vivien said…
lovely comment Harry! it does have a feel of that era
Bridget Hunter said…
What an interesting idea! Thankyou for sharing.
Bridget Hunter said…
What an interesting idea. Thankyou for showing.
Jeanette Jobson said…
Some things just adapt themselves well as starting points. Its an impressive transformation.

Then again, all landscape is rock and soil so the evolution is natural.
vivien said…
True Jeanette - and the underlying patterns and intervals repeat in sand/sea/trees/hills
Lisa Le Quelenec said…
This is lovely, I feel I can take a walk up and around the hill to see whats on the other side. I really like the way you have added the trees to give a sense of scale. Out of interest do you remember where the flint came from?
vivien said…
sorry no Lisa - it was one of a friend's collection, as was that lovely gnarly branch.

I've decided a need to start collecting :>)

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