Towards Dusk, another in the series

Towards Dusk, mixed media and collage, 11x14 inches

Another one in the series of birches. I've done more to the previous 2 and will show them when they are completed.

I was adding the dimension of time to this - hope it 'reads' to others?


Jennifer said…
Jean Spitzer said…
The purples and blues are lovely; the drawing beautiful.
Lisa Le Quelenec said…
I love the composition, exciting diagonals and my eye is wandering around the loop of the pool. I have really enjoyed walking around in your painting, thank you. I can't wait to see the others.
vivien said…
Jennifer,Jean and Lisa - thank you :>)

Great Lisa - that's how I wanted the eye to move around the composition :>)
Billie Crain said…
The purples were a stroke of genius, Vivien. Love this!
caseytoussaint said…
This is wonderful, Vivien - what a great series!
vivien said…
Billie and Casey - thanks :>)

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