Random sketches from observation

Random objects with peacock feather, Vivien Blackburn

Sometimes there is time for a quick sketch but not time for concentrating on more finished works - and sometimes it's relaxing to just practice observation in sketchbooks for no particular reason :>)

These are recent doodles.

Random objects with leaky tube of glue, Vivien Blackburn

I'm not usually interested in traditional still life set ups. I find them a bit static and just not interesting enough. I do like them when they have a twist that makes them exciting though - like the red shoes or glowing paper bags of Nicole Caulfield or the dynamic watercolour still lifes of Shirley Trevena. It's something I keep meaning to experiment with - maybe this winter?

you can see other still life sketches here

I have to get some stuff ready for an exhibition I'm taking part in with a small group of friends - more on that and planning for exhibitions coming soon ...............


Jean Spitzer said…
Love these sketches and the one below. The doodly quality and the colors are wonderful.
jun n. said…
nice sketches
vivien said…
thank you both :>)

I'm so busy - but I must update asap

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