Random sketches from observation
Sometimes there is time for a quick sketch but not time for concentrating on more finished works - and sometimes it's relaxing to just practice observation in sketchbooks for no particular reason :>)
These are recent doodles.
Random objects with leaky tube of glue, Vivien Blackburn
I'm not usually interested in traditional still life set ups. I find them a bit static and just not interesting enough. I do like them when they have a twist that makes them exciting though - like the red shoes or glowing paper bags of Nicole Caulfield or the dynamic watercolour still lifes of Shirley Trevena. It's something I keep meaning to experiment with - maybe this winter?
you can see other still life sketches here
I have to get some stuff ready for an exhibition I'm taking part in with a small group of friends - more on that and planning for exhibitions coming soon ...............
I'm so busy - but I must update asap