New exhibition opening in California

The website showing the exhibition with friends that opens this weekend - at Mission Trails Regional Park Gallery in California (near San Diego).

Link to Ester Roi's write up the show

Anyone in the area please go and support us :>)

Taking part in reverse alphabetical order are:

Katherine Tyrrell - known to you all :>) - beautiful work with coloured pencils and a writer

Louise Sackett - our excellent organiser for this show and talented painter.

Gayle Mason - who does the most gorgeous, luminous-eyed animals

Nicole Caulfield - amazing portraits and still life in coloured pencil


3 artists in England and 2 in America, our 6th member is sadly (for us) too busy writing best sellers at the moment to do much artwork and so couldn't take part. Last year we all showed together in Virginia which was fun.

I'm looking forward to seeing photos of the show when it's hung.

This is where the series of trees and pools was headed :>)

It has been a year in the planning - Louise applied for a much contested exhibition spot for us. We provided images, artists statements and links last year.

We were chosen from a list of 200 which was both a real confidence booster - and pressure to make sure the work lived up to their belief in us!

So .... opening night coming up - it's such a shame we can't all be there in person.

Now I have to get small paintings done for a local exhibition on 4th/5th December - I'll write that one up later.


annie said…
Oh, yay for all of you, Vivien! So glad that it is beginning at last. Have a wonderful time. I know all of us watching you HERE wish that we were watching you THERE...Just to be able to see the tree collage in person (sigh)...

Jean Spitzer said…
The works look terrific. Congratulations!

This is a park near San Diego; probably something you can mention in the blog (California's a big state).
Sarah said…
grest stuff and you are right, what a compliment, well done all!
vivien said…
thanks for all the good wishes :>)

and I've added near San Diego - I was tired when I wrote this an forgot to specify so thanks Jean :>)

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