exhibition update, mission trails park, california

Here are that last series of paintings at Mission Trails Park in California - photo courtesy of Ester Roi who visited and did a write up on the show here. Her blog is well worth a visit. Thank you Ester :>)

It's interesting to see the different trends in framing in the US and here. American friends all seem to use these wide dark frames (Louise kindly framed our work for us). Here the trend is all for pale frames - soft neutrals, limed ash, white etc So it's interesting to see how my work looks framed so differently :>)

The purple wall also echoes the colour in several of them!

You can see the images better .....


and details of the venue ...



Cathy Holtom said…
They look stunning, the blue really shines out. Congratulations on the show!
vivien said…
Thanks Cathy :>)

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