drawing and painting programmes for the ipad: OmniSketch, and a little photography with the thermal imaging camera on the ipad

Taken with the thermal image option on the ipad

 A preliminary look at the apps for art and photography on the ipad that I've experimented with so far, some were deleted as rubbish but I didn't keep track of the names,  though I know Glaze was one, sorry!   .......


 A free app.

This one was a lot of fun and my grandchildren enjoyed it as well (aged 2 and 5).  It is a little like the Mr Doob Harmony programme for pc I've shown here before, with interesting marks working on algorhythms. I really enjoyed experimenting with the way the marks interacted with each other and the difference that speed and pressure made.  

The colour palette was a colour wheel, so lots of choices and the ability to choose close colour or tone, creating a reasonable amount of subtlety in finished pieces.

The symmetry option was good - finished images sometimes felt as though they would work well in embroidery or stained glass or as a repeated pattern in fabric.

 detail, because seeing the whole images, reduced to fit here, gives no idea of all the intricate marks that actually make them

(click here for images done with the free Harmony programme some time ago,  for those without an ipad.   They were then played with further in Photoshop)

Taking images from this and combining and changing them in Photoshop will be interesting.  The one below was one where I simply played with changing the colours, getting desaturated colours not possible in the original programme.

and another OmniSketch piece


This programme is most suited to illustration and design - but I'd love to have a go at solar plates from them.   I've never done solar plates but these might lend themselves to the process?   they certainly would translate well to traditional etching I feel.

You can buy extra brushes for 69p  (99c)  and the one above was done 3 of these.

and more OmniSketch images ..........


the above repeated as a fabric design ....

so ......... more to come on the programmes I've been looking at ........

Thermal imaging option on the ipad camera

The image at the top was me experimenting with the thermal images option on the ipad camera - I really like this facility, I took some lovely pictures of my grandchildren with it.

I think that's enough for now but over the next few weeks/days I'll also show some of the experimenting with Flowpaper, another fun one, Paper 53ProFSketch. Spray Paint. Pen and Ink, Sketch Book Pro, iPastels, Brushes (the one Hockney uses), Procreate and Art Studio  - some were recommended by friends and some I found myself.

I also need to get my real paints out.
