Using the iPastels app in ipad, my review

sunset study with the Pastels app on ipod

The ipastels app on the ipad is good to use, a definite keeper.  If you like using pastels this is defintitely worth trying out.

I've downloaded several .....  umm  quite a lot.... of apps to try out, those that I don't like will be deleted eventually.

As I've downloaded this I can't tell if it was a freebie or a bought one, sorry but it doesn't show any more once it's purchased - but the prices for any I bought were very low, all under £3.

It's very simple to use with all the options clearly laid out and quick to access.

You can work on different layers, preserving the layers beneath while you experiment.   I haven't used this yet but have worked in a similar way in Photoshop and know how handy it is. The image above was done on a single layer.

You can vary the stroke width and pressure, meaning colours mix very naturally, thin veils of colour can be laid down and subtle transitions made, the smudge tool offering even more ability to get those soft lost edges.   The clouds were created with a mix of purple and brown, skimmed and blended, built over several thin passes to dull the purple down a little, they mixed very much as real pastel would.

Different colour palettes can be selected for the range of colours you fancy for any given painting.  You will have to mix colours - but then you would using real pastels.

The only down for me is that I can't see anywhere to select the resolution and it appears to be quite low when exported to my pc, unlike some other programmes.  If you want to print I think it would only be capable of a small image.  It looks fine onscreen so if you aren't bothered about printing then it isn't a problem.

Has anyone else used this app? and what did you think?   Katherine I think you'll like this one if you haven't got it.


Margo said…
Merry Christmas Vivian! I read the cat poem and had a good chuckle. I make cloth gift bags these days and no longer have these issues, tho there was a day...

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