Drawing with the Pen and Ink app on the ipad - drawing of a tabby cat from life

Quick sketch from life using the Pen and Ink app on the ipad, drawn with my fingers

The free Pen and Ink app really does have the scratchy feel of pen and ink.  It comes with very limited tools and options but you can pay to have more.   I'm planning to stick with the free pen option on this one.

I couldn't work out how to open the image in another programme with layers to add colour (on the ipad) so I did it on the pc - see below:

With added colour

I simply worked on a layer below the pen drawing, using the colour at low opacity, with the layer option set to Multiply, so that glazes of colour built up with transparency.  I'm sure this is possible on the ipad when I can work out how to move the image into a suitable programme.   I know how to do the opacity/layers thing on the ipad in other apps - it's the moving an image into another app that I can't do.

sketch of winter undergrowth using pen and ink app on the ipad, using a basic Colt stylus pen


This app is another keeper.   It allows fluid, expressive lines, with no pixellated, digital look.  I'm impressed.

It comes with one pen style, several ink colours and erasers.  You can buy more options if you wish, quite cheaply.  For me this is probably enough .... time will tell.

Has anyone else used this?  or have any recommendations not already on my list?


Art Matters said…
I think most programmes will allow you to save the drawing to your camera roll. Then you can open it in another programme to add colour.
You certainly are having fun with your iPad!
vivien said…
Some of the apps don't seem to have the option to import from camera roll ... As far as I can see. I've discovered that the spray paint app does, but it doesn't have layers, so the paint goes over the drawing. Still exploring ......
Rose Welty said…
You are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing all you are learning with your iPad.
vivien said…
oh thank you Rose! I didn't even know you ever read my blog :>)
Rose Welty said…
I left a comment yesterday, but I'm not sure it went through....you are welcome, I've been reading your blog for years - your art always pushes to me think beyond convention and explore new things. As for the apps, both Autodesk Sketchbook Mobile and Art Studio allow you to import from the camera roll and have layers. I don't think either is too pricey - I'm very cheap with apps. As well, there are often sales.
vivien said…
Hi again. I,ve got art studio and discovered I could import last night. I think I like that one

I,ll have to take a look at auto desk. Thanks for the info.

Layers are an important criteria for me.