trees and rocks progress

When I started this painting I roughed it in with Prussian Blue but never intended it to remain a blue painting - I've decided I'm enjoying playing with the image in shades of blue and I'm going to continue, making it winter.

I'm taking part in a group project in a few weeks, doing work in response to Picasso - not one of my favourite artists I'm afraid. It occurred to me that I can use this, relating it to his blue period :>)

So far I've only used Prussian Blue acrylic, some blue acrylic ink (pthalo blue-ish) and white with some tissue collage. I will introduce further blues and mauves and greyed blues as I go.

The next stage will probably need to be done in oil paint as I need the qualities that oil paint has - the ability to scratch through to the underpainting through the buttery texture of it and using a palette knife.

close ups:

It's going to be interesting making it work in a limited colour range. I may introduce a very very little complimentary colour to stop it being too limited in range. It's a case of working it out as I go along :>)


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