the john davies gallery

David Prentice: English Air, Advancing Shadow
This post has been written with much cursing of blogger as it kept playing up, disappearing into another screen and losing whole paragraphs that I'd written and saved - but it hadn't saved them >:>(

One of my favourite galleries is reopening after a move from Stow on the Wold - in a gorgeous old stone building, but quite small - to a large industrial unit with masses of space in nearby Moreton in Marsh.

I'm going to the Private View next week :) - these are great as the artists are usually there and it's a chance to talk about the work over a glass of champagne. I'm usually the designated driver so read fruit juice for me.

There is a great selection of contemporary art on show and JD also shows 19C and 20C work. It's the contemporary that I love though.

Artists showing include:

David Prentice who I've often mentioned. I love his traditional-ish watercolours and his exuberant, dramatic, large, to-drown-in, pastels and oils

Stephen Carruthers new to me - interesting free landscapes in muted colours

Sandy Murphy interesting free landscapes in muted colours but with vivid skies.

Mark Dempstead some rather nice figure studies

Peter Evans I love his detailed close ups of distressed surfaces

Anthony Green I like his fun shaped canvasses with unusual viewpoints

John Kingsley abstract landscapes, a Scottish painter in the tradition influenced by the Scottish Colourists

(Scottish Colourists )

Matthew Lanyon the son of Peter Lanyon, work very much influenced by his father

Sandy Murphy another Scottish painter in the Colourist tradition. Abstract landscapes and flowers. I like the painting this links to.

Chris Prewett interesting quirky portraits

James Robertson more Scottish abstract landscapes

Fred Schley a new artist to me, I'll be interested to see these in real life.

if anyone is near the Cotswolds this exhibition looks well worth a visit - I'm planning to meet up with Katherine there for a day of galleries :) - nearby small towns have some good galleries worth a visit and it's a lovely area. The old houses are built of local stone, which is a lovely soft honey colour and new builds have to blend in.

Meanwhile I'm busy designing a rag book and a printed book for my shiny brand new grandson for Christmas - so with cover at work continuing there isn't much painting time here. I have got ideas bubbling away though :)



Shirley Anne Sherris said…
Made a lot of talk about applique fabric books for my grandson when he was very small.
Printing has come on a lot since then and it would have taken a fraction of the time now. I estimated that it took about 8 hours per book back then!!!

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