more cards for art and craft fair at Belgrave Hall

cards, copyright Vivien Blackburn

The art and craft fair looks as though it will be fantastic. I've had details of exhibitors and they include Glass creations - fused glass jewellery,dishes and stuff, other jewellery, Chutney and preserves, willow weaving, Farm foods, Garden Sculpture, embroidery, ceramics, textile art, felt work, photography, bags and scarves and the three of us with paintings and cards.

so ..... anyone who will be anywhere near Leicester on Sunday (18th November) do pop in and take a look. It's at Belgrave Hall on Loughborough Road, a lovely Georgian House museum with walled gardens, it's free and is open 11-4

We've been down to see my daughter and gorgeous grandson - so blame him for my absence over the last few days. :) 11 weeks old and loving all the fuss and attention :)



Anita Davies said…
Beautiful cards Vivien.
OMG...11 weeks already????...Where did that go?
He is adorable!
jafabrit said…
I am afraid your cards are just no comparison to the masterpiece your daughter created. You grandson is a darling :)
vivien said…
I don't know where the time went!

I think he's adorable too :) and jafa - yes no comparison!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Late congrats on the arrival your adorable grandson! I have't had that adventure yet, of becoming a grandparent. I bet it's as exciting as doing art. (just kidding--I'm sure the arrival of a grandchild tops everything...)

Enjoy him!
vivien said…
thanks Lynda :)

it's a very new experience but it's fun :) especially handing him back when he's crying or his nappy (diaper) needs changing!

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