ACEO and taking a break

Ring Around the Moon, watercolour and coloured pencil, ACEO, Vivien Blackburn

I'm taking a break for a week.

Will return then with paintings I hope :>)

See you



Brian McGurgan said…
I'm loving these little paintings, Vivien - this one is just beautiful. Enjoy a very restful break.
vivien said…
Thanks Brian :>)

I plan to all being well
rob ijbema said…
i like the moody colors
love the other sea scapes as well
laura said…
This is beautiful, Vivien--you really captured the cool glow of the moon; and I love the band of ultramarine (?) in the sky.
I've missed so many of your glorious art these last few months Vivien and I'm catching up in bits and pieces, but every piece I see, I love...well, since I'm a fan, it couldn't be any different! each of these paintings of yours is beautiful!
hope you're holding up and you and your famuly are still very much in my prayers!
annie said…
They are lovely little gems and I hope that things are well enough for that restful break.
vivien said…
Rob, Laura, Ronell and Annie - thanks :>)

I've just come home from a week in Cornwall looking and looking at the sea :>) and moors and ancient stone circles and quoits - so more on the way!

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