Mawgan Porth: Changes, Time, Tide, Weather and LIGHT

What interests me in my work is the changing light - in England it changes constantly with passing clouds, changes in the weather and season and time - from minute to minute to the light can vary enormously.

Above is a look at a Cornish beach - Mawgan Porth - near to my childhood home and still very special to me. When I win the lottery there is a house with the view shown in several of these photos that I want to move into! These are just a few photographs but they - I hope - give you an idea of why this is one of my favourite places :>)


Rose Welty said…
Vivien, I remember when I was living in was a very rainy morning. I was a little homesick so I called home to California. As I began talking it was just bucketing down with rain. Then, as we talked the rain stopped and the wind howled. Then, by the end of twenty minutes it was a jaw-dropping sunny day. Yes, light changes very fast there!

Lovely photos btw...
Anita said…
Vivien - wow what great photos (several I wouldn't mind painting myself!). Cornwall really is an extremely beautiful county. Looking at these photos reminded me of what it is I really miss about England.
annie said…
So lovely, Vivien. You've talked about the holes left by the force of the waves on the sand, but to see one is startling. I think these signs of the force of wind and water, along with the vast beauty of sky and sea, might quite overwhelm in person.
vivien said…
exactly Rose!!!

After Christmas I'm aiming to get seriously back to painting and those views are some I want to look at Anita :>)

Thanks Annie :>) yes the surf there is really fierce - it isn't a sea you can swim in but great for surfers
Lindsay said…
OK, I'm glad to see you've posted both here and at WM. This takes a bit of pressure off for the posts. Nice to see the slide show again.
dinahmow said…
Dear Cornwall! (Still Kernow to some)
I suppose its our primordial beginnings that tug us back to the sea?
(This is Dinahmow, using P's email!)
vivien said…
maybe that's the draw Dinah - I just know I feel so happy and mellow by the sea :>)
Robyn Sinclair said…
How I'd love to walk along a Cornish beach. That could require for me to also win the lottery. I do hope you are better placed for this eventuality than I, Vivien i.e. that you have at least bought a ticket! ;)

Beautiful photos!
vivien said…
The weather isn't quite what you'd be used to Robyn! but it is so beautiful

I could do with winning the lottery - househunting there would be such a buzz!

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