demo done for class to show techniques
This started as a doodle, showing a class of students new-to-painting the variety of mark making possibilities they could use. It isn't great art - just done to show techniques in action.
It started off with wet washes of acrylic, dry brush scumbled layers to adjust and add depth when these were dry, washes of glazed colour, blotting paint out, smudging with fingers, dragging the end of the brush through wet paint to draw with it, tapping the brush to get fine flecks of paint for texture - sometime dragging the end of the brush through these to draw them out into other shapes and finally scumbling a little coloured pencil over it.
I wanted them to understand that painting is a language of marks and colours and not just about neatly colouring in areas, or thinking that once a colour is put down that it isn't touched again - or most importantly that the paintings they were doing were NOT a disaster and were capable of being pulled round into good work by working on, using all the 'language' at their disposal.
older posts on this subject
mixed media - 52 posts!
It started off with wet washes of acrylic, dry brush scumbled layers to adjust and add depth when these were dry, washes of glazed colour, blotting paint out, smudging with fingers, dragging the end of the brush through wet paint to draw with it, tapping the brush to get fine flecks of paint for texture - sometime dragging the end of the brush through these to draw them out into other shapes and finally scumbling a little coloured pencil over it.
I wanted them to understand that painting is a language of marks and colours and not just about neatly colouring in areas, or thinking that once a colour is put down that it isn't touched again - or most importantly that the paintings they were doing were NOT a disaster and were capable of being pulled round into good work by working on, using all the 'language' at their disposal.
older posts on this subject
mixed media - 52 posts!